HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML is a collection of elements that are used to define various parts of a document, such as header, footer, heading, and body of text. An HTML element comprises a start tag and a ­closing tag, except an empty element, which comprises only a start tag and therefore encloses no content. In addition to attributes that transform the contents of elements, there are others that represent the events generated by various HTML elements, such as global events attributes, ­window events attributes, form events attributes, keyboard events attributes, mouse events attributes, and media events attributes. An HTML document comprises two main parts: header section and body section, and they are defined by the <head> and <body> elements. The whole HTML document is defined by the <html> element. In addition, an HTML document typically starts with a document type declaration, which specifies that the document is an HTML document.