This chapter stresses the benefits of having a positive outlook on physical health and longevity. The Positive BATHE, recommended for use in frequent, routine, chronic care, or follow-up visits, is introduced. “B” prompts Best: “What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week or since I saw you last?” “A” signifies Affect or Account: “How to you account for that?” “T” prompts Thankfulness: “What are you most grateful for?” “H” signifies Happen: “How can you make things like that happen more frequently?” and “E” stands for Empathy or Empowerment: “That sounds fantastic. I believe that you can do that.” Consistently focusing on positive aspects of experience affects brain structures and increases happiness. Feelings of gratitude have been associated with improved health status. A process for achieving forgiveness is outlined. Writing about the beneficial effects of a personal injury on one’s life can facilitate the process of forgiveness. The strategy of “satisficing,” reducing the stress inherent in having to find optimal solution to any problem, is presented. Realistic optimism leads to positive outcomes and improved quality of health. Hope should be prescribed regularly. Learning a form of mindfulness meditation can lead to better health and well-being.