Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of inter-connected things, objects, or devices on a massive scale connected to the Internet. These objects being smart sense their surroundings, gather and exchange data with other objects. Based on the gathered data, the objects make intelligent decision to trigger an action or send the data to a server over the Internet and wait for its decision. IoT aims to integrate, collect information from, and offer services to a very diverse spectrum of physical things used in different domains. “Things” are everyday objects for which IoT offers a virtual presence on the Internet, allocates a specific identity and virtual address, and adds capabilities to self-organize and communicate with other things without human intervention. To ensure a high quality of services, additional capabilities can be included such as context awareness, autonomy, and reactivity. This chapter begins with an introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled by primarily by the availability of cloud and big data technologies. It then describes the radio frequency identification (RFID), a wireless automatic identification technology whereby an object with an attached RFID tag is identified by an RFID reader. Following this is introduced the principal concept of wireless sensor network technology enabled by the availability of smaller, cheaper and intelligent sensors that has important applications like remote environmental monitoring. The last part of the chapter discusses processing and storage of the sensor data.