Technical considerations involving solid waste treatment include waste characteristics, technical sustainability of the available treatments, and treatment objectives. The waste is burned directly in a burner or injected into the flame zone or combustion zone of the incinerator chamber via nozzles. Pumpable sludges and slurries are injected into the kiln through nozzles. The solution is deterministic, and variation in waste, operator error, waste analysis uncertainty, and so on, are unaccounted for. The physical, chemical, and thermodynamic properties of the waste must be considered in the basic design requirements of the total incinerator system. These include storage tanks, mixers, pumps, control valves, piping, atomizers, combustors, refractory, heat recovery, quench systems, and the air pollution equipment. The farthest point to the right in this area on the figure is the maximum incineration rate of the plating waste.