One of the most significant characteristics of PC is its g-factor. It is commonly anisotropic and is stipulated by the distribution of spin density in a radical fragment, the energy of excited configurations, and the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) value. The g-factor of a paramagnetic is generally anisotropic, it depends on a paramagnetic molecule orientation in an external magnetic field. The electron orbital moment is equal to zero if the distances between the energy levels are infinite. However, this is not the case for real systems; this results in the appearance of some electron orbital motion. The spin transition from an excited state to a ground state can be realized through different spin relaxation mechanisms. The behavior of a magnetization vector is commonly considered for the analysis of passage effects at the magnetic field passage through a resonance value. The anisotropy magnetic resonance parameters (MRP) can also be affected by the type of radical interaction with the environment.