Barberry, Berberis spp., is a spiny-leafed shrub cultivated for its ornamental foliage which assumes brilliant colors in autumn. Barberry shrubs produce edible, red, oval berries rich in anthocyanins, tannins, ascorbic acid, organic acids, and pectin. The pigments in the skin of buckthorn berry are chlorophyll, carotenoids, and anthocyanins. Crowberry, Empetrum nigrum Coll., is a northern plant producing edible berries with a high anthocyanin content. Elderberry juice may also be added to apple and black currant juices to improve their color as well as their taste. The common or black mulberry, originally from China, is widespread throughout countries with a moderate climate. During storage of blood oranges, the development of the red color is favored by low temperature. Pomegranate contains anthocyanins in the flowers, the pulp surrounding the seed, and the fruit peel. Rosehip is the fruit of Rosa canina L. and other Rosa species. The leaves, fruits, and flowers of the strawberry tree contain the flavonoids afzelin, quercetin, and hyperin.