In this chapter, the authors describe how they define reorganization change: structurally, technologically, and attitudinally. We need to exert case managed control over each injury and work concertedly with all involved health care practitioners for a time-limited, goal-oriented, return-to-work program. Many variables are under our direct control. Historically, pre-employment screening has been a low back X-ray, cursory physical, and then off to work. The physical, while nice, only told us about heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, urinalysis, and blood work. X-ray's of the low back serve no purpose in pre-employment screening. The applicant should have strength at least equal to the tasks required of the job he seeks. We must place workers in jobs that they can handle while not placing them at risk. The days are over when a doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist can keep an employee off work simply because of doctor/therapist status.