This monograph summarizes the known information on taxonomy, synonymy, structure, life cycle, hosts, location in the host, reported geographic distribution, sporulation, merogony, gamogony, prepatent period, patent period, and pathogenicity of the 473 named species of coccidia of rodents. These include 372 species of Eimeria, 39 of Isospora; 28 of Sarcocystis; 5 each of Besnoitia, Toxoplasma, and Wenyonella; 4 each of Caryospora and Klossiella; 2 each of Dorisa, Frenkelia, Klossia, and Cryptosporidium; and 1 each of Mantonella, Pythonella, Skrjabinella, and Tyzzeria. In addition, similar data are given for the 99 forms for which insufficient information is available to justify assigning them species names.