This chapter provides information on uses, folk medicine, chemistry, germplasm, distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, yields, energy, and biotic factors of ricinodendron heudelotii pierre. Source of essang oil, seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, which has been recommended in the drying oil industries. The nuts are consumed as food after boiling. Nigerians use the root-bark, with pepper and salt, for constipation. On the Ivory Coast, the decoction is drunk for dysentery. Pounded and warmed bark is applied locally for elephantiasis. The bark infusion is used in Liberia to relieve labor pains and prevent miscarriage, in the belief that it prevents sterility. The pulped bark prevents abortion. The bark decoction is used for gonorrhea; the leaf decoction as a beverage or bath in calming fever. The seed, seed shell, and latex, containing a resin, are used for diarrhea and gonorrhea.