The tombusvirus group, established by the ICTV, derives its name from the group type member, iomato bushy stunt virus. No vectors for viruses in this group have been reported, but several are soil transmitted. Saguaro cactus and turnip crinkle viruses, previously classified as possible tombusviruses, and Glycine mottle virus, classified as a possible member and also as a member of the tymovirus group, have been transferred to the carmovirus group by the ICTV. Two types of inclusions have been proposed by Martelli and Russo and Martelli and co-workers as diagnostic for infections by tombusviruses. One type of inclusion consists of aggregated particles within portions of tonoplast membranes located in vacuoles, and another type, which is termed a multivesicular body, resides in the cytoplasm and is a modified peroxisome. Cymbidium ring spot and tomato bushy stunt are the tombusviruses reported in natural infections of legumes.