Edible vegetable oils may, however, be used occasionally for industrial purposes, e.g., manufacturing of soaps, varnishes, hair oils, and lubricants. The production of annual oilseed field crops has increased considerably since 1960, and it now constitutes over 50% of the total production of fats and oils in the world. Some other nutritional problems with respect to deficiency of boron, zinc, and iron have been encountered in oilseed plants in different geographic areas. Physical and chemical properties of oil are determined by iodine number, saponification value, and refractive index of oil. The average annual rate of world production and consumption of oils and fats is about 3%, with the total annual production being 1 million metric tons. However, the supply of vegetable oils from annual field crops tends to remain quite flexible from year to year in relation to the total world supply of vegetable oils and fats.