The linear quadratic feedback optimal control problem has been one of the most important feedback control problems in control engineering since the 1960s. This chapter proposes a new type of estuarine system management model based on discrete-time, stochastic, linear, quadratic feedback, optimal control, which can feed back the new observations for the salinity or other nutrient levels for the determination of freshwater inflows. It discusses various linear, quadratic control models, which are followed by a discussion on a general, stochastic, discrete-time, linear, quadratic optimal control. The chapter reviews the ordinary least squares (OLS) and follows by a discussion and derivations of the recursive least squares (RLS). A new type of estuary management model based on discrete-time, stochastic, linear, quadratic feedback, optimal control has been presented in Sec. The chapter applies the proposed discrete-time, stochastic, linear, quadratic, optimal control and the RLS technique to the Lavaca-Tres Palacios Estuary in Texas.