The quantitative immunochemical tests were performed by reacting antigen and antibody for a sufficient period; the precipitates were centrifuged and washed, and nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method. When antiserum to normal C-phycocyanin was used, identical amounts of nitrogen were measured for either the normal or the deuterated homologous antigen, and the close correspondence of antigenic sites between the two isotopes was established. C-phycocyanin was also studied as part of an investigation of the effects of micromolar amounts of various oxidants and reductants on Bilayer Lipid Membranes (BLM) prepared from chloroplasts. BLM were studied as a model for biological membranes. The biliproteins can also reverse the electron-directing properties of a BLM. Photoelectrical activity of biliproteins has been measured by forming a film of protein on a platinum electrode. Phycoerythrin films on the electrodes were dipped into ethanol and in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, illumination of the film resulted in a negative photopotential that was reversible in the dark.