Since the label and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are designed to work together to provide complete information to the chemical user, it is prudent to include a statement such as "Refer to the MSDS for more information" on the label. An industrial precautionary label is required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration and industry standard to have a minimum specific content. This chapter presents for preparing a precautionary label. It is not sufficient to qualify a person as a label preparer; experience and review of many labels is necessary. Immediate removal of the material from the skin by a drench shower must be stated on the label. This material is reproduced with permission from American National Standard for Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Precautionary Labeling 2129.1-1988, copyright 1988 by the American National Standards Institute; copies of this standard may be purchased from the American National Standards Institute at 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.