The onset of protoreproduction naturally induces the process of development that controls how a reproductive unit grows in each generation. Development may seem teleological in its outlook, but is undoubtedly materialistic. Development is materialistic in processing energy, force, and molecular flow in organisms that exist as molecular aggregates. The developmental process in biology is an instance of the law of motion of the one-to-many mapping type as confirmed by various experiments. The field of internal disequilibrium in development that induces the process of equilibration as an elementary process of evolution is inherent to the law of motion of the one-to-many mapping type. The genetic influence is to specify in a more particular manner how force equilibration breaks the symmetry property intrinsic to the preceding degeneracy. The cleavage process in early embryonic development is in most cases accompanied by growth. Indicative of cellular growth are stem cells that serve as a progenitor of all of the derivative cell devisions therefrom.