Simulation emerged as a numerical problem-solving approach during World War II when the Monte Carlo methods were successfully used by John Von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam of Los Alamos laboratory. Computer systems can be modeled at several levels of detail: circuit level, gate level, and system level. Deterministic Stochastic Models deals with the system response. The simulation of a LAN usually involves random interarrival times and random service times. Digital modeling may involve either hardware or software simulation. Hardware simulation involves using special-purpose equipment, with detailed programming reduced to a minimum. It is stochastic, or nondeterministic, because the element of randomness is introduced by using random numbers. It is a software simulation because the simulation model is a computer program. Because simulation is a system approach to solving problems, it has considered the major stages involved in developing a model of a given system. These stages are model building, programming, verification, validation, analysis, and documentation.