Some of the most interesting phenomena in baseball are streaky or hot/cold performances by hitters and pitchers. During particular periods in the season, a particular player will hit for a high batting average, and in other periods, the player will be in a “cold streak” and all batted balls appear to be fielded for outs. Whenever there is a discussion of great streaky performances in baseball, one has to talk about the “Great Streak” where Joe DiMaggio got a hit in 56 consecutive games during the 1941 season. Many people think that this particular hitting accomplishment is one of the few baseball records that will not be broken in people's lifetime. An alternative way of looking at streaky hitting performances uses batting averages computed over short time intervals. One may be interested in exploring DiMaggio’s batting average in this manner. Another way to view Suzuki’s streaky batting performance is to consider his batting average over short time intervals.