This chapter examines the types of equipment used for stabilization, productivity estimation, and cost and time analysis. Specific mix designs for stabilized soils are determined in laboratories using actual soil samples and provided to contractors in contract specifications. While lime is used to stabilize high clay content soils, cement is used to stabilize both granular soils and fine-grain soils. Soil-cement contains sufficient cement to form a hardened mixture. Soil-cement should be kept moist and cured for at least seven to eight days to achieve desired strength. One of the techniques for addressing this concern is soil stabilization, which increases soil strength by mixing a stabilizing agent or additive with the soil. Asphalt can be added to granular soils, such as sand or gravel, to produce a more durable, stable soil. The granular fill material that is to be used for the soil-cement weighs 2,400 pounds per loose cubic yard at moisture content of 3%.