Intellectual function refers to the ability to comprehend and assimilate various mental functions such as reasoning, thinking, planning, judging, problem solving and communication for acquiring life skills. A mean IQ of 100, one standard deviation above 100, that is, 115 and one standard deviations below 100, that is, 85 are considered normal. An IQ score below two standard deviations from the mean, that is, ≤70 represent a significant reduction in intellectual functioning. “Integrated Evaluation of Disability” assigns an impairment of “0” % for IQ of 85–115. It allocates negligible impairment of 3% for IQ of 70–84, mild impairment of 18% (median score) for IQ of 50–69, moderate impairment of 47% (median score) for IQ score of 25–49 and severe impairment of 64% (median score) for IQ score of <25. Adaptive skills refer to a person’s ability to fulfil personal, common life and social demands vital for life activities depending on the age and cultural requirements. Intellectual disability/mental retardation refers to subaverage intellectual functioning, that is, an IQ score below two standard deviations from the mean viz. ≤70 accompanied by limitation of adaptive skills. The adaptive skills are vital for personal and social activities, and educational and vocational and avocational pursuits depending on the age and culture in which he/she is living. Hence, evaluation of IQ in conjunction with activity, participation adaptive skills is essential to reflect the true status of mental retardation/intellectual disability. Activity, participation skill assessment scale is a multidimensional construct. It comprises of nine domains of activity and participation namely learning-applying knowledge-acquiring skills, task management skill, communication, mobility, self-care, household activities, interpersonal skills, participation in educational- vocational pursuits, economic transaction and management, and participation in community, social and civic life.