Evaluation of impairment of neurological functions includes definitions, methodology and impairment class for consciousness, sleep, cognitive, language, articulation, voice, cranial nerve functions, motor, and sensory functions. Besides standard clinical tests, it introduces newer tests to evaluate hypotonia and endurance of muscles. It applies three-point scale: normal sensory function, partial loss, and total loss to grade sensory impairment. Total loss of motor function of one upper extremity derives an impairment of 60%, lower extremity 40%, and spine 30%. Complete impairment of the sensory function of one upper extremity derives 60%, lower extremity 40%, and spine 30%. Formula A + [B(100 – A)/100] combines impairments of motor, sensory functions of extremities and language, articulation, and urination functions if any. A ready-reckoner impairment table provides whole person impairment for clinical conditions hyperlinked to excel worksheet for comprehending computation of impairment. Further the additional excel worksheet enables the audience to compute impairment of neurological functions which are not available from ready-reckoner impairment table.