Evaluation of neuromusculoskeletal system includes motor and sensory functions. Motor functions comprise of muscle functions, joint functions, and movement functions. Tendon adds integrity to the muscle for performing its functions namely power, tone, and endurance. Joint functions consist of mobility and stability of individual joints. Evaluation of instability of the peripheral joints consists of congruity of the joint surface, the integrity of ligaments/meniscus, and abnormal displacement of a joint or segment of a spine under physiologic loads. Manual muscle testing, assessment of muscle tone, endurance, measurement of joint ROM and clinical methods/imaging studies serve to quantify the impairment of motor function. “Integrated Evaluation of Disability” integrates impairment of muscle functions, joint functions, and movement functions to compute impairment of motor functions. Evaluation of sensory functions comprises of touch, pain, temperature, vibration sensations, and sensory perversions. ‘Three-point scale, that is, normal sensory function (no impairment), partial loss (partial impairment), and total loss (complete impairment) evaluate sensory function over a nerve distribution. Formula A + [B(100 – A)/100] combines motor, and sensory impairments to arrive whole person impairment.