Urinary excretory functions refer to filtering function of the kidney, that is, retains the materials needed and expel the toxic metabolic by-products in the urine to store in the bladder for discharge. Glomerular filtration rate defines and classifies chronic renal failure into five stages. Persons with chronic kidney disease with GFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 need maintenance with dialysis and require kidney transplantation. Congenital absence of kidney, the functioning of only one kidney, glomerular filtration rate, dependency on dialysis and kidney transplantation serve as parameters to define impairment class. Impairment of urinary function includes the inability to hold urine resulting in incontinence, inability to initiate micturition resulting in hesitancy of micturition or retention requiring drainage by catheter, or diapers, loss of sensation of desire, fullness, voiding. The urodynamic study assesses impairment of micturition function. Valsalva leak point pressure measures sphincter weakness. Sphincter electromyography ascertains suspected neuropathy. International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire, Nocturnal penile tumescence test—NPT: elicits the occurrence of the spontaneous erection of the penis (normal -3-5 per night), colour Doppler ultrasonography (CDU), and serum testosterone and prolactin measurements determine erectile dysfunction. Procreation function relates to potency for fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Impairment of procreation function in men includes azoospermia. It requires confirmation by hormone (or) semen analysis and (or) vasography. Impairment of procreation in women of reproductive age may be due to primary amenorrhea and cervical/uterine/ovarian/tubal or peritoneal factors which may fail to initiate/continue the pregnancy. It requires confirmation by lab or imaging studies for cervical/uterine/ovarian/tubal or peritoneal factors.