One thing studio animators did while working hard, was occasionally to play hard. During the years of drawing and painting restricted to a chair within a close office space, horseplay was common. Over the open cubicle spaces, wadded up paper-ball barrages occasionally lightened the mood. Long rubber bands used to wrap scene folders were commandeered for use in some pretty intense paper-clip fights. Famed animation director Tex Avery lost sight in one eye because of a direct hit from a paper clip (or it may have been a pushpin) in such a fight. Max Fleischer animators folded a paper airplane large enough for four men to carry and launched it out their 9th floor window down onto Broadway. 35 mm metal film can lids from editorial stood in for Frisbee catch. Even decades later, animators recalled fondly some of the more celebrated practical jokes their comrades perpetrated on each other.