Number sequences Number sequences are widely used in engineering applications, including computer data structure and sorting algorithms, financial engineering, audio compression and architectural engineering. Thanks to engineers, robots have migrated from factory shop floors (as industrial manipulators), to outer space (as interplanetary explorers), hospitals (as minimally invasive surgical assistants), homes (as vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers) and battlefields (as unmanned air, underwater, and ground vehicles). Arithmetic progressions (APs) are used in simulation engineering and in the reproductive cycle of bacteria. Some uses of APs in daily life include uniform increase in the speed at regular intervals, completing patterns of objects, calculating simple interest, speed of an aircraft, increase or decrease in the costs of goods, sales and production, and so on. Geometric progressions (GPs) are used in compound interest and the range of speeds on a drilling machine. In fact, GPs are used throughout mathematics, and they have many important applications in physics, engineering, biology, economics, computer science, queuing theory and finance.