This chapter discusses an account of the devastating events that occurred at Katy's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant began after they took place to make a point that is often forgotten: On-the-job injuries, illnesses, and fatalities can have wide-ranging effects. The Katy's Creek treatment plant, main pumping station, collection systems, ancillary maintenance facilities, state-of-the-art environmental laboratory, and finance and administration facility had all been combined to form the heart of the Katy's Creek Sanitation District. The ignition of methane gas vapors caused the Katy's Creek explosion and subsequent fatalities and injuries. A review of the Katy's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant safety program, which is currently being rewritten, indicates that no procedures or safe work practices have been included for accomplishing the type of work the crew was performing at the time of the incident. When accidents are properly investigated, then production, quality, employee morale, and safety itself can all benefit.