This chapter discusses the key terms associated with lockout/tagout and then presents a sample lockout/tagout procedure. When maintenance and servicing are required on equipment and machines, the energy sources must be isolated and lockout/tagout procedures implemented. To ensure that the confined space is, indeed safe, any and all sources of hazardous energy must be isolated before entry is made. The primary method employed to accomplish this is lockout/tagout procedures. The placement of a lockout device on an energy-isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy-isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed. Whenever outside servicing personnel are to be engaged in lockout/tagout activities covered by this procedure, the organization and outside employer must inform each other of their respective lockout or tagout procedures. Organization employees are to be trained to understand and comply with the restrictions and prohibitions of the outside contractor's lockout/tagout energy control program.