The iron manufacture in the country as a whole passed through evil times between 1875 and 1886; but in this district the slump was not only more severe than elsewhere, but it marked the beginning of a permanent decline. The troubles of the area, though they can be attributed in some measure to the depression in the hardware trades, had their main source in the changes which came over the iron industry. The slump began earlier in the heavy trades than in the small metal manufactures, and that by the beginning of 1874 blast-furnaces, forges and mills were being shut down. After an almost continuous fall the output of South Staffordshire pig-iron in 1887 was only 40 per cent. of production in 1871. During this period some of the most famous ironworks were forced out of production. After an almost continuous fall the output of South Staffordshire pig-iron in 1887 was only 40 per cent. of production in 1871.