In the pre-1980 era, teams were thought of as something of superspecialized entities within an organization that protects “our” turf of knowledge and experience. In the ’80s we found that in fact this kind of operation was not resulting in the expected gains that we anticipated. The wheels of intuition and the entrepreneurial spirit guided us into what is quite familiar and is known as the era of “cross-functional” and “multidiscipline” atmosphere. However, as we practiced this multi-something idea, we found that even that was not operating at optimum. As a result, we radically changed our focus, and now we talk about

Process Team Management

. This is where we integrate the team network with a specific process definition, attainable goals, and objectives, and we delegate appropriate and applicable authority and responsibility to the team members, so that they can indeed perform the required task. A pictorial representation of this evolution may be seen in Figure 9.1.