Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen

. 697-698. Basel 1996.

About 1-4 species, tropical America. Panicoideae, Andropogonodae, Maydeae, or Panicoideae, Andropogoneae, Tripsacinae, annual and rarely perennial, herbaceous, solid, tall, robust, thick, unbranched, adventitious roots from the lower nodes, culm nodes glabrous, ligule a fringed membrane, leaf sheaths strongly overlapping, leaves with vawy margins, modified leaves forming the ear, plants monoecious, all the fertile spikelets unisexual, male inflorescence a terminal panicle, composed of many spike-like racemes, male and female spikelets on different inflorescences, female inflorescence cylindrical, female inflorescences axillary, male flowers in terminal tassels or terminal primary axis, female flowers on a lateral thickened elongated axis, two glumes subequal, male florets 3-staminate, palea present, lodicules absent, stamens 0, ovary glabrous, 2 stigmas, fruiting inflorescence a cob, the fruits in many rows, cultigen, cultivated fodder, ground as flour, alcohol production, grain crop species, ornamental, intergeneric hybrids with






, type

Zea mays

L., see

Species Plantarum

2: 971-972. 1753, Philip Miller (1691-1771),

The Gardeners Dictionary

. Containing the methods of cultivating and improving all sorts of trees, plants, and flowers, .. Abridged from the last folio ed. The 4th ed., cor. and enl. London 1754,

The Gardeners Dictionary: . . .