Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................... 16

References ........................................................................................................................... 16

Cancer recurrence after treatment of the primary tumor is a major cause of mortality among

cancer patients. It may take years to decades before local or distant (i.e., metastatic) recur-

rence becomes clinically detectable as cancer. This ‘‘disease-free’’ period is a time of uncer-

tainty for patients who appear ‘‘cured.’’ For example, Demicheli et al.1 have demonstrated

two hazardous peaks of breast cancer recurrence in patients undergoing mastectomy alone

without adjuvant therapy. In a group of 1173 patients, the first peak of cancer recurrence

occurred at ~18 months after surgery. A second peak in cancer recurrence developed at

~5 years after surgery and was associated with a plateau-like tail extending up to 15 years.1

Patients experiencing cancer recurrences within 5 years following surgery have a shorter

overall survival than those with recurrences occurring at a later time point.2