Membranes can be defined as a sheet of solid or semisolid material, insoluble

in its surrounding medium, which separates phases that are usually (but not

necessarily) fluid [1]. Based on mechanisms ruling mass transport, typically,

membranes can be divided into two main classes: biological and synthetic

membranes [2]. While in synthetic membranes, mass transport is usually due

only to a chemical potential gradient, in biological membranes mass transport

can be due also to other special mechanisms. These mechanisms can act

cooperatively with chemical potential or they can act against it. In this last

case, they need energy from the surrounding, and a typical energy source is

that coming from the hydrolysis of high energy compounds such as ATP

(adenosine triphosphate) that transforms into ADP (adenosine diphosphate)

plus P (inorganic phosphate)þ energy (ATP pump mechanism) [3]. While biological membranes permeability can be highly influenced by these non-

chemical potential driven mechanisms, synthetic membranes permeability is

essentially dependent on chemical-physical properties of the solute and

membrane microscopic structure. As membranes are nothing more than

special matrices where one-dimension is considerably smaller than the other

two, they are characterized by the same structures of matrices discussed in

Chapter 7. Nevertheless, it is important to recall some important structural

aspects. In the most general case, they are composed of three different phases:

(a) continuous, (b) shunt, and (c) dispersed [1]. In turn, these phases can be

classified as primary, secondary, tertiary, etc., on the basis of their relative

spatial relationships. A primary continuous phase is an uninterrupted phase

between membrane surfaces as well as laterally or in the plane perpendicular

to the flux vector. From the membrane permeability point of view, it can

represent an uninterrupted diffusional path for a solute or it represents an

inaccessible zone acting as a mere supporting structure. A primary shunt

phase can be seen as an ensemble of pores or channel that completely cross

membrane thickness (for example, in the direction perpendicular to mem-

brane surfaces) but it is laterally discontinuous. Accordingly, a primary shunt

phase cannot influence permeability or can affect it providing parallel diffu-

sional pathways or can represent the sole diffusional pathway. Dispersed

phases, embedded in continuous or shunt phases, are discontinuous along the

flux vector and do not provide an uninterrupted pathway through the mem-

brane or any of its subphases.