Rheology is a term formally introduced by Bingham in 1929 to designate the

study of deformation and flow of matter [1]. It is evident from daily experi-

ence that materials can flow or deform under the action of body forces, i.e.,

their own weight or surface forces, applied over their boundaries (solid

contours, free surface), and behave quite differently, both qualitatively and

quantitatively. Indeed, the original definition of rheology seems to open a

very large horizon spacing from highly rigid solids to low-density fluids.

More precisely, the borders of this relatively young science are more

restricted and marked by other more mature disciplines, belonging to the

continuum mechanics family, such as the elasticity theory and the Newtonian

fluid mechanics, which are more suitable to describe simple mechanical

behaviors. In both cases only a physical property (elastic modulus or viscos-

ity) is sufficient to describe the deformation or flow conditions produced by

the stresses acting on the material. Just for their si mplicity such approaches

hold only for a limited class of materials and under limiting conditions of flow

and deformation. Many real substances exhibit more complex behaviors,

which can be accommodated between the two extremes settled by the linear

models proposed by Hooke and Newton. This is the reason why rheology

emerged in the past twenties as an independent science to describe phenom-

ena and to solve problems inaccessible by the classical approaches. In other

words, the specific objective of rheology is the definition of constitutive

equations or models suitable to account for the stress-strain relationships

observed for real systems. Such equations, combined with the principles of

continuum mechanics, can then be used positively in the resolution of flow and

deformation problems which cannot be tackled with the classical approaches. In

this sense rheology represents a natural expansion and a necessary integration

of the continuum mechanics.