Organisms in the plankton are generally assigned to one of

three compartmental groups: bacterioplankton, phyto-

plankton, and zooplankton. These groups are further

subdivided into trophic groups on the basis of taxonomic

categories well above the species level. Unfortunately, this

causes organisms with differing modes of nutrition to be

grouped together, e.g., non-photosynthetic flagellates are

grouped with the algae and are considered to be phyto-

plankton, while other protozoan groups like ciliates and

sarcodinians are assigned to the zooplankton as micro-

plankton. To overcome these and other problems, Siebruth

et al. (1978) proposed a scheme based on the level of

organization, i.e., the ultrastructure, and the mode of nutri-

tion (Figure 2.1).