Technologies based on the first three laws of twenty-first-century techonomics empower us to conduct commerce and shape the organizations in new ways. New business models are developing that were neither conceivable nor feasible a decade ago. It is instructive to study thriving, industry-leading companies that have pioneered new models, leveraging emerging technology into lasting economic advantage. Some of these companies make and market high-tech items, while others do not, but all of them


technology in alignment with twenty-first-century techonomic trends to make numerous aspects of their business more effective, including:

• Minimizing inventory • Meeting specific customer desires • Minimizing operating cash requirements • Increasing operating hours • Increasing number of outlets • Deploying capital more wisely • Globalizing production and support • Magnifying per employee transactions • Streamlining and focusing marketing methods • Eliminating traditional middlemen in the sales/distribution channel • Eliminating retail overhead

The following sections give concrete examples of successful businesses and how they are using technology to rewrite the rules of competition. These businesses are applying the laws of twenty-first-century techonomics to their great benefit. Others must understand and apply the same laws if they are to survive in the competitive marketplace.