Introduction ...................................................................................................................................341

Efficacy Studies .............................................................................................................................341

Toxicological Studies....................................................................................................................343

References .....................................................................................................................................344

Insects are the vectors of the pathogens that cause dreadful diseases such as malaria, dengue, Japanese

encephalitis, plague, and other diseases. Various methods have been used for the control of these vectors

under different ecological conditions, with certain limitations depending upon their merits and

disadvantages. Awareness of the disadvantages of insecticides, especially in terms of toxicity, is

growing all over the world. Application of residual insecticide as a method of vector control is

commonly practiced today, but many dislike its use because of the disruption to the household.

Further, indiscriminate use of insecticide leads to development of resistance and creates the potential

for environmental hazards. Personal protective measures for the protection of human beings from the

painful bites of blood-sucking organisms are a practical alternative to insecticides. An effective personal

protection against disease vectors is particularly important for armed forces who may experience

additional exposure because of their profession.