The family Thymeleaceae comprises 50 genera and 500 species of trees and shrubs, of which 50 species are of medicinal value in the Asia–Pacific. The evidence available suggests that mezerein, and congeners such as gnidilatimonoein, are strongly carcinogenic. Mezerein activates the enzymatic activity of serine/threonine protein kinase, which is the major receptor for a number of tumor-promoting agents including the phorbol esters of Euphorbiaceae. Most of the evidence which has emerged lends support to the idea that Thymeleaceae would be worth investigating for its pharmacology, and especially for cytotoxic and antiviral activity. Gonystylus confusus Airy Shaw is a tree that reaches a height of 30m and a girth of 2.2m. The plant grows in the low undulating rain forests of Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra up to 600m in altitude. The plant can be found in peat swamp forests and lowland dipterocarp forests. The bark shows elongated, adherent scales.