The surfaces of minerals and ceramics have many features in common. This statement can be justi- ed by comparison of the nature of the information required from their respective surface analyses [1-3]. Indeed, tailored ceramics often result from judicious design involving combinations of

mineral structures [4,5]. Similarities in phase structure and composition, surface structure and surface sites, microstructure, and surface reactivity have been demonstrated in numerous studies. Surface reactions involving oxidation, leaching, dissolution, weathering, precipitation, and phase transformation, are now well documented. Surface modi cation of minerals as a result of adsorption, reaction, processing (e.g., plasma spraying), and surface coatings (e.g., sol-gel deposition), has been found to be equally applicable to ceramic materials. Hence the methodologies for determining the surface properties that control the mechanisms of reaction and transformation of surfaces of minerals and ceramics will in general require similar surface analytical techniques.