Historical information and site characterization data can be used to indicate the presence of contaminants and other hazards of concern. Various inorganic chemicals, specifically metals, can be considered toxic, and some are identified as being carcinogenic. Detect analysis for each contaminant of concern should be presented in the health and safety plan. Organic compounds may also be present as contaminants in the soil. Hazardous chemicals will be brought to the project site for use in activities supporting the planned work. Radioactive materials present unique health and safety concerns and should be recognized as such through the presence and input of a radiation health and safety operation officer. Unexploded ordnance represents unique health and safety issue and must be addressed through strict site control and personnel requirements. There are numerous physical hazards associated with project operations that require consideration in the health and safety plan. Monitoring is done to verify the absence or presence of hazardous materials in the work environment.