Life was certa inly simp ler in the old days . . . when we could ev aluate risk with a safety factor .

Doull (1984)

In mo st c ases, eco logical risk asses sment s must be based on exp osure-r esponse da ta for

specie s, life stage s, levels of organiz ation, a nd responses other than those specif ied by the

asses sment endpo ints. In so me cases, no exposure-r esponse data are avail able for the agent of

concern for an y relevan t or ganisms. For ex ample, the end point is bro ok trout produ ction an d

we have only a fathe ad minno w LC50 or only the structure of the ch emical. Hence, it is

necessa ry to use extrapo lation models based on assum ptions or statistica l an alyses to ex-

trapol ate to the endp oint specie s or communi ty or to estimate pa rameters for populatio n or

ecosyst em mod els (Chap ter 27 and Chapte r 28).