The book is about state machines as they should be understood and used in software. So, why have we written a few chapters about general software issues? The reason is quite simple: we introduce a new specification method based on a state machine concept. We do this in an environment more flooded with ideas, concepts, and methods than any other branch of technology or science. We do not wish to present something that is just another new idea about software development methods; what we describe is a coherent and well-tested framework for generating reliable software for even the most complex and difficult situations. We propose to show that the established practice of using a specification as a basis for coding is wrong. We also propose to show why software needs the Vfsm concept and give reasons for sponsoring the idea of specifying behavior, and execute results of the specification. Summarizing, we propose to present arguments for reading the immediately following parts of the book, which contain the material closely relevant to the topic.