As the apolar and polar components of the free energies of interfacial interaction are additive (Fowkes, 1983; van Oss et al., Advan. Colloid Interface Sci., 1987; Langmuir, 1988):

Δ Δ ΔG G GLW AB= + [IV-1]†

and given that:

γ i iiG≡ − 1 2

Δ [II-33]

we may also state:

γ γ γi iLW iAB= + [IV-2]

The equations governing γ iLW and γ ijLW have been treated above, in Chapter II. A crucial relation is:

ΔG12LW 1LW 2LW= −2 γ γ [II-39]

It continues to be assumed by a number of authors (see Chapter XIV) that an equation of the type of eq. [II-39] is also valid for AB interactions. However, as Fowkes (1983) already pointed out a number of years ago, this is incorrect.