Maintenance of good health and sense of well-being are top priorities for many people. Dietary components play a vital role in accomplishing these needs. With the increasing knowledge of biofunctional properties associated with marine foods, utilization of these materials has accelerated. As a result, during the past decade, development of new technologies to identify and isolate bioactive materials has progressed. Proteins, peptides, and carbohydrates are the major contributors of the bioactivities in different marine food sources. A three-step recycle membrane reactor has been used for production of bioactive peptides and for exploration of new bioactivities. In addition, it is expected that the knowledge

on isolation methods as well as speci c properties of sh skin collagen and gelatin will provide a solution for the present or concern associated with the use of these materials from a variety of sources. Also chitin, chitosan, and their derivatives obtained from crustacean shell wastes have long been of interest as biomaterials in a variety of applications. The continuous enzymatic production of desirable molecular weight chitosan oligosaccharides has increased the possibilities of utilizing these materials for human use. The bioactivities such as antihypertensive, antioxidative, antitumor, and calcium absorption acceleration observed in different marine by-products could be utilized for the development of potential nutraceuticals that enhance and promote human health.