Acknowledgment................................................................................................................ 624

References .......................................................................................................................... 624

The manufacture of fine and specialty chemicals in batch processes has commonly been

associated with the production of large quantities of toxic wastes due to the widespread use

of traditional reagents such as mineral acids, strong bases, stoichiometric oxidants, and toxic

metal reagents. The practice also has other drawbacks including handling difficulties, inor-

ganic contaminants of organic products, and poor reaction selectivity leading to unwanted

isomers and side-products. The trend towards the integration of attractive economics with

low environmental impact in chemical manufacture (‘‘enviroeconomics’’) is expected to

continue in the future as traditional environmentally unacceptable processes are replaced

by cleaner alternatives. The widespread application of environmentally benign processes such

as clean catalytic processes in benign solvents will continue to play a pivotal role in the drive

towards environmentally responsible technologies with minimal waste generation.