I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 847

A. Catalytic Mechanism................................................................................................ 848

B. Structure ................................................................................................................... 849

C. Relevance of Ordered Water in Crystal Structures

of Carbonic Anhydrase ............................................................................................ 850

II. Isotope Effects on First Stage of Catalysis — The Hydration of CO

........................... 850

III. Solvent Hydrogen Isotope Effects on the Proton Transfer Steps ................................... 850

A. Intramolecular Proton Transfer in Catalysis by Carbonic Anhydrase.................... 850

1. Proton inventory ................................................................................................ 850

2. Interpreting the Isotope Effects......................................................................... 851

3. Theorists View of Isotope Effects in Catalysis by Carbonic Anhydrase......... 851

4. Use of

O Exchange ........................................................................................ 852

5. Marcus Rate Theory Allows Enhanced Interpretation

of Proton-Transfer Rates ................................................................................... 853

6. Marcus Plot for Intramolecular Proton Transfer .............................................. 854

7. Marcus Plot for Solvent Hydrogen Isotope Effects.......................................... 855

B. Intermolecular Proton Transfer in Catalysis by Carbonic Anhydrase.................... 856

1. Marcus Plot for Solvent Hydrogen Isotope Effects.......................................... 856

2. The Marcus Formalism Extended to the b and g Classes ............................... 857

VI. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 857

References..................................................................................................................................... 857

The seminal study of isotope effects in the catalysis of CO

hydration by carbonic anhydrase laid

the framework not only for many future studies of isotope effects in this pathway but also for an

isotopic approach to understanding proton transfer through water bridges. This was the 1975 report

of Steiner, Jonsson, and Lindskog

demonstrating the solvent hydrogen isotope effect of 3.8 on the

maximal velocity of catalysis by carbonic anhydrase, an isotope effect that was correctly interpreted

as arising from an intramolecular proton transfer. The current review expands on this and related

investigations and is centered on understanding proton transfers through intervening water

molecules in a protein environment. Detailed crystal structures are now available for very complex

systems in which proton transport through distances plays a significant role, such as

bacteriorhodopsin, cytochrome c oxidase, and the bacterial reaction center. In these cases the

proton-transfer pathway may extend up to 15 or 20 A


and involve intervening water and amino-acid

residues, a tortuous pathway in which often the identity of the proton acceptor and donor may be in

doubt. Catalysis by carbonic anhydrase is a very useful model to study such processes since the

identity of the proton donor and acceptor is clear, the rate constant for proton transfer limits

maximal velocity, and the pathway involves intervening water. The crystal structures of carbonic

anhydrase show ordered water between the proton donor and acceptor, often in hydrogen-bonded

chains although the relevance of this to proton transfer is not known. Moreover, there is a very

broad range of isozymes of the carbonic anhydrases (CAs) p to work with including three classes

of structurally unrelated carbonic anhydrases, examples of convergent evolution. The enzymes in

these classes are all zinc-metalloenzymes but bear no amino-acid homologies between classes

: the

a class which includes the animal and human CAs, the b class which includes the plant and many

bacterial CAs, and the g class which includes an archaeal CA. The catalytic mechanism of the

carbonic anhydrases has been the subject of many reviews.