Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ 728

References ............................................................................................................ 728


The discovery of photoeffects at the metal-electrolyte interface can be traced to the

studies of Becquerel in the first half of the 19th century (1). Although earlier studies

on photoelectrochemical behavior of oxidized metals were reviewed at the beginning

of the 1940s (2), there is no doubt that the beginning of photoelectrochemical science

can be marked with the work of Brattain and Garrett (3) that appeared in the mid-

1950s. The state of the art of these initial studies can be found in the review by

Gerischer (4) and in the classical book by Myamlin and Pleskov (5). It may be of

interest to mention that in the appendix of this book a paper (6) summarized the most

immediate problems in electrochemistry of semiconductors as: ‘‘The important prob-

lem remains of extending the theoretical concepts and experimental investigation

methods to polycrystalline semiconductors, in particular, oxide films on so-called

barrier metals and to oxide and sulfide electrodes and also to use the concepts of the

electrochemistry of semiconductors for investigating the phenomena of the passiv-

ation of metals.’’ This last task was initially undertaken by Oshe and Rozenfel’d (7),

who proposed to characterize the nature of passive films on metals by using a

photopotential method initially proposed by Williams (8) for bulk semiconductors.