Diffusion of particles in the polymer matrix occurs much more slowly than in liquids.

Since the rate constant of a diffusionally controlled bimolecular reaction depends on the

viscosity, the rate constants of such reactions depend on the molecular mobility of a polymer

matrix (see monographs [1-4]). These rapid reactions occur in the polymer matrix much more

slowly than in the liquid. For example, recombination and disproportionation reactions of

free radicals occur rapidly, and their rate is limited by the rate of the reactant encounter. The

reaction with sufficient activation energy is not limited by diffusion. Hence, one can expect

that the rate constant of such a reaction will be the same in the liquid and solid polymer

matrix. Indeed, the process of a bimolecular reaction in the liquid or solid phase occurs in

accordance with the following general scheme [4,5]:

Aþ B kD

A B!k Products

The observed rate constant is kobs¼ kkD(kþ vD)1. For the fast reactions with k vD the rate constant is kobs¼ kD. In the case of a slow reaction with k vD the rate constant is kobs¼ kKAB, where KAB¼ kD/vD is the equilibrium constant of formation of cage pairs A and B in the solvent or solid polymer matrix. The equilibrium constant KAB should not

depend on the molecular mobility. According to this scheme, the rate constant of a slow

bimolecular reaction kobs¼ kKAB(kobs kD) should be the same in a hydrocarbon solution and the nonpolar polymer matrix. However, it was found experimentally that several slow

free radical reactions occur more slowly in the polymer matrix than in the solvent. A few

examples are given in Table 19.1.