Thermally excited phonons and (bi)polarons are well decoupled in the strong-coupling regime of the electron–phonon interaction (chapter 4), so that the standard Boltzmann equation of section 1.1 for renormalized carriers is applied. We make use of the τ approximation [193] in an electric field E = ∇φ, a temperature gradient ∇T and in a magnetic field B ⊥ E, ∇T. Bipolaron and single-polaron non-equilibrium distributions are found to be f ( k ) = f 0 ( E ) + τ ∂ f 0 ∂ E ν ⋅ { F + Θ n × F } https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429146015/dbbf94be-97ff-4243-a457-bb6b4cd8aa0f/content/equ6_1.tif"/>