Suppose that n units are observed. The ith unit is tested under the explanatory variable x(i)(·). The data are supposed to be right censored. Set Si = Sx(i) . Under the model (9.1)

Si(t;β, γ, σ) = G0

{(∫ t 0

. (9.2)


G(u) = G0(eu), u ∈ R, g(u) = −G′(u), h(u) = g(u)/G(u),

θ = (βT , γT , σ)T , fi(t, θ) = ∫ t 0

The likelihood function is

L(θ) = n∏ i=1

{ 1 σ eβ

i (fi(Xi, θ)) −1×


( 1 σ ln(fi(Xi, θ))

)}δi G

( 1 σ ln(fi(Xi, θ))

) . (9.3)

Denote by θˆ the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter θ.