Design and analysis of energy conversion systems require an in-depth understanding of basic principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics.


is that branch of engineering science that describes the relationship and interaction between a system and its surroundings. This interaction usually occurs as a transfer of energy, mass, or momentum between a system and its surroundings. Thermodynamic laws are usually used to predict the changes that occur in a system when moving from one equilibrium state to another. The science of

heat transfer

complements the thermodynamic science by providing additional information about the energy that crosses a system’s boundaries. Heat-transfer laws provide information about the mechanism of transfer of energy as heat and provide necessary correlations for calculating the rate of transfer of energy as heat. The science of

fluid mechanics

, one of the most basic engineering sciences, provides governing laws for fluid motion and conditions influencing that motion. The governing laws of fluid mechanics have been developed through a knowledge of fluid properties, thermodynamic laws, basic laws of mechanics, and experimentation.