I. Introduction ...................................................................................... 411 II A Perspective on U.S. Food Guides .............................................. 412 III. Promoting a Science Based Vegetarian Food Guide .................... 415 IV. The Process of Developing the Loma Linda University

Vegetarian Food Guide.................................................................... 416 A. Principles for Planning Healthy Vegetarian Diets................... 417 B. Graphic Format of the Vegetarian Guide................................ 423 C. Number of Servings and Frequency of Food Groups ........... 424 D. Vegetarian Food Groups........................................................... 426

V. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 433 References .................................................................................................. 434

A food guide is a conceptual framework for selecting different kinds and amounts of foods. Food guides may also be viewed as evolutionary attempts to define an optimal dietary pattern within a time and cultural context. Food guides are accompanied by a graphic representation that translates current knowledge and dietary recommendations into food groups, serving sizes, and a range of recommended servings that provide a nutritionally adequate diet for healthy people older than 2 years. Science

based food guides rely on data from experimental and human research, balance studies, epidemiological studies, food consumption surveys, nutrition status reports, and food composition databases, as well as a variety of cultural influences and food availability. Food guides not only translate current knowledge into healthy food choices, but should be flexible and relevant to society. They may also reflect broader issues related to food consumption such as achieving optimal health, maximizing longevity, cultural preferences, economic status, fair import-export practices, environmental concerns, efficient use of land and water resources, genetic modification of foods, and humane treatment of animals.